LOL Pictures

awww cutie... wookie's yawning! XP

LOL at Shindong and Donghae!
(why Donghae looked like a girl on that pic?)

Whattheheck did he doooo? Did he stressed out? XD

Cengo Donghae, :D

credit: sapphirepearls, sarangsj


I just found it at my sista’s folder. Actually this was made by her friends but I'm not sure that I knew him or even knew his name. So, I’d put ‘NN’ for the credit.

Diantara kesedihanku
Kau selipkan juga kebahagiaan
Kau hadirkan seorang teman untukku
Dia yang membuat diriku jadi punya alasan untuk tersenyum

Apa yang lebih berarti daripada tawa kalau bukan senyuman, Tuhan?
Seperti gerimis yang lebih menyenangkan daripada hujan,
Seperti berjalan yang lebih membuatku tenang daripada berlari,
Dan gelap yang lebih membuatku nyaman daripada terang…

Kadang kita memang harus merasakan kehilangan dulu untuk tahu artinya memliki
Kadang kita harus merasakan kekecewaan dulu, baru bisa menerima kenyataan betapapun pahitnya…

Ketika kita merasa sangat rapuh saat kita ditinggalkan,
Ingatlah bahwa di suatu tempat ada seseorang yang mengharapkan kita…

By: ‘NN’

See? How sweet this poem. Simple, easy-understood, yet touching… I miss my friends all of sudden.

Tadi malem aku buka-buka map kertas yang isinya kertas-kertas gambar-gambar geje dan coret-coretan gitu. Aku nemuin gambar keroro bikinanku sama wulin pas masih jaman-jamannya nonton Keroro dulu. Ah tiba-tiba jadi kangen sama wulin… ada juga gambar hantu kelaparan bikinan wulin yang bikin ngakak abis, gambar bayi dalem mangkok, gambar hantu cina, dll. Trus aku ngebuka-buka buku neutron.. isinya emang catetan pelajaran sih, tapi sebenernya lebih didominasi sama graffiti dan tulisan geje bertuliskan ‘Koyama Nakamaru’ XD. Ya dulu Deathly Three Friends (aku, wulin, cub) emang ngepens banget ama Koyama Nakamaru ini ato yang sekarang lebih kita kenal dengan nama ‘Aliran Dosa’.

Trus di salah satu catetan fisika buku neutron, kan ada catetan tentang ‘Simbol Huruf Toleransi’. Jadi kan rumusnya ‘F, G, J, K, M’.. nah biar gampang nagpalin urutannya kita bikin singkatan asal-asalan, bunyinya jadi gini ‘Faling Ganteng Jelas Koyama’. KyaaaaaXD alay banget nggak siiiih? Tapi malah bikin ngakak.. ah pokoknya macem-macem deh.

Wulin kan emang suka dan pinter gambar jadi gambaran dia yang aneh-aneh tuh banyak banget. Tapi anehnya kalo dia lagi badmood ato lagi aku kacangin (haha LOL, maapkan aku wulin yang sering ngacangin kamu kekeke XP) gambarannya jadi bagus banget tapi emang dasarnya gambaran dia bagus sih, hehe. Ah wulin… Anyway, diantara kita berlapan dia emang yang paling banyak ngasih julukan aneh-aneh buat adek kelas. Walo aku sama cub juga banyak sih, tapi nama julukan dia lebih long lasting gitu deh. Lebih paten, nyehehe.

Jadi kangen temen-temen… wulin, cub, sarusa-ku, madun, elak, aantut, obiet... moga kita satu sekolah lag ya pas besok SMA~
Aha, untung besok senen masuk ke sekolah lagi jadi bisa ketemu temen temen deeeh. Kaya di status FB-nya Aliya: ‘ga masuk sekolah 3 hari aja udah kaya seminggu’. Bener bangeeeeet ;)

P.S. seandainya wulin, ela, mahdun, aan, dan obiet tau alamat blogku :}

090628 Super Junior @ GMA NEWS

Super Junior is not only the guest performers for this year Golden Award Show but also an award presenter with Ariel Lin for the first award. But the glamour of these few guys are just too amazing, every movement of them will just make fans screaming away, this was lead to dissatisfied of the TV viewer who felt that the fans doesn’t have any manner.

This year, two sides of the red carpet venue were filled up with fans holding Korean languages signboard and these fans are here because of Super Junior. Once Super Junior arrives, fans on both sides were screaming their lungs out and all the fans were getting lesser and lesser when Super Junior was inside the hall, almost half of it was gone. Because almost half of the fans were there because of Super Junior.

Once the ceremony starts, the first group of people who came out as a presenter was Super Junior and Ariel Lin. Hangeng who was the speaker throughout the first award with Ariel Lin as he is the only one in Super Junior who can speak Chinese and the rest of the members just stood at the back. Viewers notice that expect for Hengeng, the rest of the members were chit chatting away at the back, pointing at the audiences, waving to their fans and so fans started to scream again.

Presenters voice was even being cover up due to those screaming and shouting by the fans which made the audiences and net surfer think that the fans doesn’t even have manners. But some believe that this are what fans are called with those screaming that they did. Super Junior who flew all the way from Korean to Taiwan which mean that they respect Taiwan too. Super Junior doesn’t have any other intentions but they just wanted to have good atmosphere.

Net surfer thinks that fans should try to clam down as they consider this as an important award show and not Super Junior concert or at least not to disturb the award show

Translate by; summer❤
Please DO NOT add in your own credits!!

Super Junior in Taiwan's GMA

credit: 13MySJ13

Leeteuk’s sister Park Inyoung, chosen as play lead

Super Junior’s Leeteuk’s older sister, Park Inyoung, was chosen to be in the popular play . This play has been performed for the past 7 years (since 2002) in Universities*

.Park Inyoung (26 years old) caught the attention of the viewers when she came out on a special Star Family episode of MBC , and she will be co-starring in as ‘Hyesoo’ at Doore Hall 3.

Park Inyoung aka ‘Hyesoo’ (previously played by ’s Jang Kyunghee, ’s Sung Hyunjoo, etc.) is experiencing betrayal, has violently emotional ups & downs, and is a passionate Air China flight attendant. She’s in love with a playboy, but she leaves said playboy without regrets for true love.

With a Drama Major in Chung-ang University, and in the midst of pursuing an acting career, Park Inyoung went through tough competition at formal auditions to be picked for the play , and fairly earned the female role.

Before performing, Park Inyoung said “Plays are truly entertaining, and since I received so much help from the other participants, I feel happy and ready,” and “I’m still lacking in certain areas, but I’m preparing meticulously to show a perfect image once I’ll be performing on stage.

Starting from July 1 until December 31, for a double casting of the duration of 6 months, Super Junior members are encouraged to visit during the performance as well.

* Not really sure about the Universities part.

Original Source., newsen, etc.
Credits to La’MISS:fairy at SJ-WORLD.NET


♥ Fishy

I dunno why but I this picture! It's just so lovely..
And Donghae, still looks cute! XD

Leeteuk & Kangin had performed in front of ex-president Roh MooHyun

Super Junior member Leeteuk has revealed that they had once performed in front of the ex-president Roh MoohHyun when they were rookies.

Leeteuk & Kangin who attended in the show “Shin Dong Yup & Shin Bongsun’s Champagne” which will be aired on June 27th had said “When we were rookies, we had once performed in front of ex-president Roh MooHyun”, “After the performance, we had gone down the stage. We wanted to greet him so much that we had run toward him and shouted ‘We’re Super Junior’ so he can know about us”

Leeteuk also said “On that day, everyboday said that we’re so brave”

Also on the show, Kangin said “Leeteuk is very stingy. He rarely spends money, he just uses about 100,000 won (about $80) every month in his credit card”

Cap: I clearly can imagine when they're doing the high-five syu-pa-juni-oeoh! XDDXDXD

original article is here
translated by
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits


To the points:
  • Kemaren sore aku ngedonlot lagu-lagu Suju yang pas di MBC MTL (tapi baru ndengerin pas malem) and my fave is ‘A Falling Star’. Haduuuh akustikan gitu boooo trus lagunya lembut mendayu-dayu gitu. Cocok buat jadiin my lullaby~. 'Gee', 'She' sama ‘Falling Slowly’ (yg Falling slowly yang nyanyiin Sungmin sama Sunny SNSD) juga bagus kok. Sungmin suaranya bagus juga pas nyanyi Falling Slowly. Trus pas ngedengerin 'Gee' nggak tau ngapa aku pengen ketawa mulu! XD. Aku nyariin liriknya A Falling Star nggak dapet dapet nih, huhu :(. Does anyone got it? Email aja ke aku yaaaa…
  • Udah taulah pasti insiden kecelakaan di Mubank Special kemaren. Sungmin jatoh kepleset pas rehearsal gara-gara jalannya becek (katanya) trus pergelangan kakinya kakinya sobek gitu dan harus di jait. Jadi pas perform Sorry Sorry kemaren dia berdirinya ga sesuai formasi (jadinya ga ada adegan Minnie-Wookie deh) soalnya jaitannya kan pasti belon kering. Hiks kasian Minnie ;(… Padahal kan kemaren itu last perform yang official gitu, yang resmi. Pas performnya Boys Generation yang nyanyiin Gee aja si Minnie picang-pincang gitu jalannya. Etapi yang jadi Jessica kok bukan heechul sih yaaa? Tapi malah Jo Kwon -__-, it’s okeh laaah dia juga cocok kok dari tariannya ampe suaranya yg mendesah desah XD.
Nih videonya, ngakak deh lu pada kalo liat!!!! Pada pake celana warna-warna neon gitu HUAHAHAHA. tapi Yesung kurang feminin nih aaaaah tapi gapapa deng. Cekedot yah:

  • Eh belom selese nih, masih ada korban lagi yaitu leadernya SHINee; Onew. Dia nyaris kejatuhan lampu panggung tapi untungnya diselametin Shiwon ama Kyuhyun tapi kan tetep aja si Onew shock dan pingsan. Eh yang jadi korban malah Gege!!!! Bahu dia kayanya kena pecahan kaca lampu gitu huhu T___T. ada gossip juga katanya pas rehearsalnya sapaaa gitu (2 PM kalo ga salah) panggungnya tuh ya katanya goyang dan hamper ngejatohin Kyuhyun yang ada di sampingnya (ato bawahnya?). yaampun parah banget deh nih KBS. Di kecam deh ntar pasti. PASTI.
Ni juga nih videonya:

  • Nontonin ulang A Walk to Remember berkali-kali itu nggak dianjurkan, bener-bener nguras aer mata deh. Tadi malem nyampe capek saya nangisin video-video mulu kerjaannya, hehe :B. Kata Nattya emang paling cocok nontonnya kalo pas malem gitu, suasananya mendukung. Emang bener naaaat~
  • Ohya hari rabo kemaren kalo nggak salah aku ngedonlot video judulnya ‘All About Leeteuk’. Dimana? Ya dimana lagi kalo bukan youtube buuu… Kirain ni video udah agak jadul, ternyata masih baru bo! Dan nontonin itu sudah bisa ditebak… bikin aer mata mengucur deras (tapi ga sederes pas nonton A Walk to Remember sih). Ah pokoknya gitu deh nonton itu bikin saya tambah cinta dan setia sama Teukie Teuk XD. Trus besoknya pas ke sekolaan aku nontonin itu ma Saru-kun, eh tapi kok kita kaga nangis yah? Hehe udah abis aer mata saya kali, daripada bloody cry mending ditahan aja dulu nangisnya :P. Eh eh pas saya ngecek SP, ternyata tuh video baru di post. Berari saya nggak telat dooong \^o^/
  • Trus kemaren pas buka-buka KI ada video Kyochon Chicken CF gitu. Modelnya sapa lagi dong kalo bukan Suju, hehe. Dan ternyata saking excitednya si Kyuhyun (fyi, dia ini tergila gila banget ama fried chicken. Ati-ati lho uyuuuun ntar kolesterol) dia tu yang pertama kali nandatanganin kontrak! Ah dasar masa ngeduluin the leader sih, magnae? XP. Trus aku langsung smsin si Cub deh biar dia langsung nonton, hehe.
  • Baru nyadar… akhir-akhir ini saya nggak pernah posting pake inggris lagi (jarang maksutnya). Tau kenapa? Saya ini orangnya cereeeeweeeet bangetngetnget, jadi kalo mau cuap-cuap pake basa inggris ga bisa total, ga all out gitu dehhh. Makanya kan enakan pake mother language (basa ibu maksutnya) bisa cuap-cuap ga abis abis.
  • Tadi pagi (uhmm ga pagi pagi juga sih.. pas brunch time-an gitu) ada sesuatu yang bikin kesel!!! Itu orang aaargh ngeselin banget pokoknya, nggak tau trimakasihlah ah but I won’t tell you who. Kesian ntar nama baeknya tercemar.
  • Males banget sama facebook, tapi lagi keranjingan nge-tweet. Aku ngefollow tora_sudiro sama indraherlambang lhoooo (penting ya?), abisnya mereka berdua lucu sih ya tweetnya hehe :D
udah ah ya, mau twitteran dulu hehe. bye bye fellows!

Dreamy Hero

Suju K.RY's new song: Dreamy Hero, O.S.T for drama entitled "Partner". asik deeeh lagunya, upbeat tapi tetep nggak meninggalkan kesan ballad yang tentu saja ciri khasnya Suju K.R.Y ;). Wookieeeee, you're still my drug! your voice's AWESOME! =D

Quick update (Suju)

MBC Music Travel Lalala 09.06.24

KBS Song Battle 09.06.25

MBC Music Tralala Show 09.06.24

CCTV Good friends Concert 09.06.25

Quick update about Suju.. Sorry for not being here to update in a few days. Yeah you know, my mom's new rule actually really piss me off. But there's nothing I could do... so sad and....mad ;(. i had no clue what I should write here but sorry. :((((

090625 Leeteuk CY Entry

현재일(작성일) : 2009.06.25 목 Thursday 02:29
..Why is it like that…Ah….Hyu………………………………………………………

Credits; OnlySJ13

2009.06.26 Friday 02:39

Similar to my complicated brain..and my listless and worsening skin..
..Similar to my burnt-black heart, my burnt-black skin..
Now..From 1 to 10 there’s nothing desirable…
.It will turn better in Winter..Credits; OnlySJ13

translations by

10 Reasons Niga Joheun Iyoo

10 Reasons Niga Joheun Iyoo, Angel Teukie Teukie ^o^:

1. His sweetie smile, dimple and bunny teeth
I crazily fall for it, really! Cewe mana yang nggak bakal meleleh kalo liat cowo senyum ada lesung pipitnya gitu XD. Tapi sayangnya… lesung pipit itu (mungkin) kini telah tiada T___T . Seperti yang pernah Teukie bilang sendiri, mungkin itu gara-gara faktor umur. Saking takutnya dia kehilangan lesung pipit itu nyampe dia berencana ke dokter buat mriksain itu! Tapi belom jadi-jadi sih, namanya juga orang sibuk -_-.
Nyaaaaaw~ dari dulu saya naksir ama cowo yang giginya rada kelinci gitu XP. Tapi bukan yang tonggos gitu!!!! Lagian ini kan diimbangi dengan wajahnya yang cakep, jadi okelaaaah… Tapi, lagi-lagi Teukie udah nggak punya ini gigi kelinci. Kayanya dia ngerapiin giginya yah? Aaaargh get back your cute bunny teeth! Majuin lagi aja ish. To be honest, you’re waaaaay cuter with that. But that isn’t bothering me since you still look cute in your age ;)

2. His eyebrows and his sight
Alisnya itu lain daripada yang lain! Aduh gimana ya njelasinnya? Pokoknya tajem banget deh. Apalagi kalo lagi smirking kan alisnya pasti keangkat tuh… ihi wawawawa XD. Dan ternyata dugaan saya nggak salah, kemaren kan ada polling gitu about 15 Korean male stars that are famous for their charisma/beauty/handsomeness, nah resultnya si Teukie tuh ada di post yang ini. XDXD~
And his sight… Assuredly make me faint! XD~~~

3. His maturity
I know he isn’t a boy anymore, he’s grown up as a man, a guy. But back then when he’s still 23 or 24… he’d shown his prosperity of being a leader. It wasn’t because he’s the oldest among the others but he was trying to be a good leader by taking care of all the members and always watch out for everyone else before thinking about himself. Those automatically show his maturity.

4. He’s truly a perfect leader ever
Penjelasannya sama kaya nomor 3 diatas… Teukie tuh ya nggak pernah tidur sampe semua member udah bener-bener tidur. Makanya dia jarang banget tidur kan? Ckck, I’m proud of you Leader. Trus dia secara nggak langsung juga jadi pengganti ayahnya Donghae yang udah tiada loh ;__; Kurang perfect apa coba dia sebagai sorang leader?

5. He’s loveable yet silly as well
Really really loveable, indeed. Buktinya fansnya banyak banget. Ya kan? Nggak heran juga dia dia dijadiin ‘Umma’ sama member-member lain. Yah, ini juga termasuk salah satu bagian dari his maturity sebenernya ;)
Trus silly and dorkyyyy! Arrgh konyol dan lucu banget deh pokoknya! Kalian bakal mengerti seberapa tingkat kekonyolannya Teukie (dan juga SuJu) kalo ngeliat program show sebangsa Star King, SGB, KBS SB, Intimate Notes, EHB, Fullhouse, dan lain sebagainya! Funny boy always takes the attentions yah, kekeke :D

6. His tender voice
Duileeeh tender voice.. kekeke. Hmmm to be honest yah, sebenernya suara Teukie kan nggak merdu-merdu banget kan ya? Udah deh jujur aja… ;p. Tapi kalo dia nyanyi suaranya lembut dan rada-rada kayak cewe gitu makanya saya suka *digebuk* . Nggak cuma pas nyanyi siiih, pas lagi ngemeng juga kok. Tapi walo gitu dia juga bisa lah ngeluarin suara yang macho, hohoho.
Kalo pas lagi nyanyi, saya paling suka bagiannya dia pas di lagu Moster. Yang ini: ‘Saebbalgan geu ipsoollo marhaebwa, seonggashigo gwichanhdago marya, Ireon kkol wooseuweojyeo pogihalgga ireon gomin beolsseo myeot beonjjaeya’. Huahahah awal-awalnya suaranya sekseh mendesah-desah gitu, tapi pas ngomong ‘beonjjaeya’ gitu kok jadi agak nggak sinkron ma awal-awalnya?! Jadi agak keluar dikit suara ke-cowok-annya gitu. Wkakakakaka XDXDXD~
Trus sama pas di Marry U.. Aaaaah so sweet.. X)
Trus trus udah pada nonton SuJu di Asia Pacific super Model belooom? Itu kan si Heechul nggak dateng kan, trus pas bagiannya Heechul digantiin ma Teukieeee! ^^. Suaranya yampuuun imut bangetnget cewe bangetnget! XP

7. His hightone laugh and the smirks
Ketawanya dia tuh ya… dari suara sampe mukanya kalo lagi ketawa tuh pasti bikin saya ikutan ngakak! Uniquely Teukieeeee ^o^. Trus kalo dia lagi smirking gitu… huaaaaah Heechul kalaaah deh!!

8. He seems to be like kids
Iyaaaah, Teukie sepertinya suka sekali sama anak-anak ^^. Dan kayaknya dia pun juga udah siap punya anak -__-. Seandainya dia masih yaaah at least 20 ato 21 taun lah, saya mau ndaptar jadi istri deh. Tapi kalo udah 26an gini… hmmm pikir-pikir dulu deh.

9. He’s very concerned about the way he looks
He really is! Dia sadar banget kalo fans-fansnya pengen ngeliat dia selalu tampan. Nggak cuma Heenim doang yang narsis… Liat aja dia kalo lagi diinterview kan biasanya sambil ngebenerin rambut gitu. Pas di Golden Ladder tanggal 11 Juni kalo nggak salah, pas lagi break gitu kan dia ngaca-ngaca ngebenerin rambut. So sweeeeet XD. Eits, tapi bukan berarti dia BENCIS yang suka dandan gitu yah, tapi dia itu ngejaga penampilan, watch over his looks. Yup that’s the exact words.

10. He’s Dimas Helmy look-alike
One word. Sapa tuh Dimas Helmy? Huehehe finally I’ve revealed his name. Dia adalah adek kelas yang pengen banget saya jadiin adek, sebenernya XP. Yap, Teukie ituh agak mirip-mirip ama Dimas. Pertamanya yang menyadari hal itu adalah si Rani Cub, pas di SuJu Card Kissing Game tuh ya kan? Trus diliat-liat ternyata bener juga. Tapi sekarang sih udah nggak mirip, iyalah si Teukienya aja udah ganti gaya yang lebih mature gitu. Kalo childish side nya Teukie nggak keliatan sih ya jadi nggak begitu mirip. Tapi di mata saya mereka tetep mirip! Walo kenyataan di mata saya emang udah nggak mirip tapi bakal tetep dimirip-miripin deh *maksa* . Anyway, agak aneh sebenernya manggil dia pake ‘Dimas’. Abis biasanya pake nama samaran ‘Sekonderi’ siiih. Yah it’s no need to vague his name again. Lah orang udah mau lulus gini kok, mau kebongkar kek namanya saya udah nggak perduli, kekeke XD

udah ah, ini inetnya lagi error. namanya juga pake sony erricson modem PC suite, sudah terbukti lolanya. arrrghhhhhhhh.

Teukie voted as the BEST LEADER (ever)

Who is the best idol group leader?

According to netizens, it’s the 13 members group Super junior Leader Leeteuk. He has been selected as the best looking leadership for an idol group in the community portals. On those sites, from the 16th to the 23rd, they had to answer the question “Who is the leader who you think has the best leadership?” Once the survey was done, the results were announced on the morning of the 24th.
According to the survey, the oldest member and leader of super junior Leeteuk got 15 724votes (34.2%) out of the 45928people voting, which gave him the first place. Netizens said that “the 13 members have been led wisely” and that’s why they gave Leeteuk a high score.
SonyuhShidae Taeyeon got 10171votes (22.1%), Dong bang shin Uknow Yunho got 9850votes (21.4%) making them 2nd and 3rd of the survey. SS501 Kimhyunjoong, Shinee onew, 2pm jaebum were following in the top.

Kim Heechul who is the same age as Leeteuk admired his leadership, different from everyone else: “he always puts the members before himself” and “even if he gets angry at his dongsaengs in the end he gives them a thigh hug and say he is sorry”.

Translated by Alice @

SJ to film another moview/ 2 DBSK member?

Some rumours in Asia the other day is that Super Junior will tour Asia for a second time, film their second movie work, and this may possibly bring Super Junior to a higher level in the music industry.

According to the news, Super Junior will be filming a movie that is based in the modern days. This is a good opportunity for the 13 individual, and different Super Junior members to perform their actual skills. In this movie, two members from TVXQ will be guest-starring, but play important roles in this modern-day movie. Q: Who in TVXQ will get the two roles? A:For now, it is unknown.

Super Junior and TVXQ has been gaining more and more fame since their debut, and this movie may boost up their social status in the music industry even more.

Everyone hopes that we will soon see the splendid movie starring all thirteen Super Junior members and two members from TVXQ!

English translation credits: ♡♥{東方神起}♥♡ @

Donghae at Liyin's MV?

Donghae’s appearance in Liyin’s upcoming MV has been confirmed by Korean fans:

오늘 리인언니 새 앨범 M/V를 촬영했다 축하해용!^^
근데 동해의 촬영을 응원하기 위해 우리 일찍 출발했거덩..고생 많더라!!!!
계속 시골까지 쫓아갓다
3시간정도 기다려 겨우 동해의 차가 보였어
언니 나타나지 않았다니 오늘의 촬영에 필요없을거같은데
하지만 더 가깝게 촬영현장으로 가지 못해서 정말 안타갑네~ ㅠㅠ

今天力尹姐姐的新歌拍攝壓了,恭喜姐姐了! ^ ^
不過沒辦法更近距離的拍攝到東海,是很遺憾。 Ť Ť

Today, Liyin’s new song gets filmed; congratulations! ^^
But because of Donghae, we got there too early. Very difficult! Filmed in the suburbs of Seoul.
We waited for three hours before we could see Donghae.
Today, Liyin didn’t show up; it looks like she’s not filming today!
Unfortunately, there wasn’t a way to take a closer film of Donghae… Very regrettable. T^T

Source: Baidu
Translations: Wendy @ Chocolyn

Sorry sorry but I have to go.

First thing you have to know, I won’t talk much in English this time.
Pikiran lagi acakadut, amburadul, bingung antara sedih, seneng, gelisah *halah* , capek dll. Oke, gini saya mau cerita tentang yang bikin seneng dulu aja deh, tentang pengumuman kelulusan kemaren sabtu.

Ngambil pengumumannya kan jam 10 tuh di sekolah, dan harusnya jam 11 ato 12-an kan Kaa-san udah nyampe rumah. Tapi gara-gara graduation TK adik saya, jadi nyampe rumah pas jam setengah 1 gitu. Padahal nih di rumah saya udah dug-dug serrr mikirin nilai sambil nonton Oprah Show. Ehm sejujurnya dalam pikiran, nem saya pol-polan 35 koma kecil deh. Mengingat soal UNAS kemaren yg ga bisa dibilang gampang jadi udahlah pasrah aja nem berapapun aku terima T^T…

Pas kaa-san (umma), too-san (appa), seekor ototo (nam dongseng), dan sebiji nee-chan (onni, tapi sebenernya dia sachon saya sih) nyampe rumah, saya malah buru-buru naek ke lante atas dan ngumpet di kamar. Pas dipanggil baru deh saya turun. Dikasih liat amplopan dan ngebuka isinya dengan amat perlahan (ngga gitu juga sih). Kalo lulus sih lulus-lulus aja yaaah, tapi NEM-nya itu loh neeeng berapa… di kertasnya ada 2 kolom nilai gitu. Yang kiri nilai murni kita dan yang kanan nilai rata-rata sekolahan. Dan tadaaaaa!!! Ternyata NEM saya better than I expected kawaaaaan!!! Alhamdulillah… 36.25. lumayan bisa dibanggakan. Tapi setelah tau nem temen-temen… nyali saya menciut. Apalagi tau NEM-nya Koala yg bener-bener marmosi (marai emosi, red)! Tinggi banget lah pokoknya, bikin sebel *iri* . Hmhmhm, mau sekolah dimana nih saya?? Tapi harus tetep optimis lah masuk Teladan :) :). Doakan aku ya kawaaaaan *najis banget bahasanya*

Nah, ini dia part yang bikin sediiiiiiih ;( ;(
Yah kalo kalian ELF pasti taulah tanggal 21 kemaren adalah last perform a.k.a goodbye stage-nya ‘Sorry Sorry’ sama ‘It’s You’ nya SuJu. Gosip-gosipnya sih bakal ke13-13 nya tampil dan itu berarti ada Kibummie!!! \^o^/
Tapi kata salah satu temen saya, di forum-forum bilang tetep bakal ga ada Kibum! Dan ternyata benerrrrr ;(. Tapi sebenernya yg bikin lebih sedih bukan gara-gara gak ada Kibum sih… *ditampar bolak-balik ma fans Kibum*. Tapi karena selesenya promosi Neorago ini itu berarti kan selese sudah perform live bareng-bareng Super Junior!!! Mereka ber13 (uhm tapi tanpa Kibum yah) kemungkinan ga akan tampil bareng lagi KECUALI pas Super Show II besok Juli. Dan kayaknya saya bukanlah salah satu dari sekian orang yang beruntung disana yang bisa nonton Super Show II LIVE di Korea! Selaen pasti nggak dibolehin juga pastinya masalah utama adalah biayanya itu. Nggak tega kalo harus minta 15 jeti ma orangtua T^T… mana belom biaya transport, hotel, makan, oleh-oleh… (bayar tiket aja belom tentu cukup duitnya udah pake mikirin beli oleh-oleh! kekeke)

Oh iya denger-denger itu 13.000 tiket yang dijual abis dalam waktu 10 menit yah?? Gila banget ya ternyata banyak banget ELF di dunia ini *digebuk ELF sekampung* . eh itu berarti satu detik yang kejual bisa nyampe 21-22 tiket, no? Ckck sugoiii~

Nah tadi malem nih ya saya sampe insomnia, nangisin sambil nonton ituh video last perform dan baru bisa berhasil tidur jam 02.36 pagi. MANTAPPP. Ya gimana ga sedih gitu tiba-tiba udah goodbye satge. padahal promosi nya aja total cuma 4 bulan trus kalo Neorago-nya sendiri cuma sebulanan (padahal paling seneng ma Neorago) T____T. Padahal *jujur nih ya*, saya masih berharap ada kejadian Heechul kejedut topinya Hankyung (lagi)di perform-perform Neorago selanjutnya kaya pas di Inki tanggal 14 kemareeeen. Trus ada tarian-tarian erotis nya Teukie XDXDXD LMAOOOOO!!! *diteriakin fans-fans laen si Angel Teukie*

Mana gilak banget deh ah mereka tuh cowo-cowo kok bisa keren banget siiiih?!!!*&%$^(^&%
Mati aja deh gue klepek-klepek liat mereka. Apalagi pas di Inki pas Sorry Sorry si Eunhyuk kakkoi banget deh dancenyaaaa!! XDXD *dia emang selalu gitu deh kayanya -___-*

Aaaargh pokoknya intinya saya masih mau liat perform SuJu yang bareng-bareng (walo cuma ber12) !!! Masa mau nunggu nyampe album ke-empat? Mau nunggu 1.5 taon lagi, ha?
Oh iya saya baru inget, pas di interview Cosmopolitan June Issue kan si Leeteuk bilang gini: *udah di translate ke Indonesia nih*

“Selama proses rekaman, kami selalu berpikir kalau ini adalah album terakhir kami, karena itulah kami harus memberikan yang terbaik dan mengerahkan seluruh kemampuan kami.”

Huhuhu kalo beneran ini bakal jadi the last album gimana doooooong??? T__T. Nggak, ini nggak boleh terjadi. Saya bakal cincang si Lee Somay, eh Lee Soo Man kalo nggak bakal ada the 4th album!

Hmhmhm.. tapi nggak melulu bikin sedih sih cerita tentang SuJu ini. Kan besok September SuJu-M mau ngeluarin album baru book. cihuyyy~ oke deh, Gege-oppa hwaiting yah!! Nitip salam buat Henli ya (hmmm biasanya Sarusa nih yg suka sama Henli, kekeke).

Selaen itu, walopun kita nggak bisa liat SuJu tampil bareng, seenggaknya kan kita bisa liat mereka tampil individual gitu. Khusus untuk Teukie nih dia kebanjiran job ngemsi (nge-MC) buat acara mantenan… ya enggaklah!!!! Dia kan sekarang udah jadi pembawa acaranya KBS Song Battle bareng suami barunya… si Boom! Nyehehe XP.
Kangin lu sabar aja ya, Teukie lagi dalam masa emo gini jadi lu jangan berani-berani ganggu dia kalo lagi selingkuh ma Boom, wkwkwk. Urusin aja tuh lagu ‘Carnaval’. Oke?? :P :P
Eh tapi ada berita buruk pemirsa.. kayanya Teukie’s sweetie smile with his dimple udah ga bakal kita liat lagi.. T___T. lesung pipitnya tuh kayanya udah bener-bener ilang gitu. Mau dia senyum selebar Seoul-Jogja jug nggak bakal keliatan lagi. Faktor umur katanya. Angel Teukie Teukie sudah semakin tua dewasa ya? Hiks.. the things I really miss about Teukie:
  • His sweetie smile plus the dimple
  • His cute bunny teeth! Gigi kelinci + senyum dia is the sweetes thing ever, lebih manis daripada coklat apapun :’)
Tapi kayanya kok anak-anak SuJu banyak banget yah yang eksis ngemsi sekarang. Terbukti dengan diangkatnya Yesung sbg MC program Carriage with Handsome Guy dan debutnya kalo nggak salah tanggal 25 apa 26 sih? Ntar deh cek di buku paket Super Junior dulu, wkwk.
Eh saya baru tau nih kalo ternyata Shindong itu ngebawain program radio anak bernama ‘Popopopo’. Kyaaaaaa~ kawaii!!
Kalo Minnie sih jadi MC acara shownya OPPA BAND *udah tua-tua deh kayanya nih personilnya*.
Kalo Kyuhyun setau saya sih dia jadi penyanyi solo dadakan gitu, dia nyanyiin 7 years love yg diremake ulang dari hitsnya sapaaaa gitu, ga ngerti namanya. Saya upadate foto-foto dia yg pas nyanyiin ini nggak sih kemaren? Enggak yah? Mianhaeyo deh~

Kibum? Tetep ngeksis jadi bintang CF dan drama… Si penganut-bahasa-tingkat-tinggi Heechul juga ikutan ngeksis nih kayanya *tingting*.

Kalo menurut saya sih mending Heenim nih jadi model kalo nggak desainer aja deh. Soalnya selera fashion dia tuh oke banget, I adore his style deh pokoknya. Nyampe sekarang saya masih ngidam jas yang dia pake pas Press Conference Yamaha Fino kemaren-kemaren inih. Yang patternnya thunder-thunder gitu kewl abis itu looooh. Nih picturenya:

keren yah suitnya?

Hiks. Ada yang lebih menyedihkan lagi sebenernya daripada berita-berita end of SuJu’s performance diatas… adalah MY MOM’S NEW RULE!!!! Terhitung hari ini saya nggak boleh ngenet lagi karna emang saya kalo ngenet dirumah nggak naggung-nanggung *tau diri*. Sehari 7 jam lebih, padahal mata saya udah minus banyak gini, hehe.

IM2 udah tiada berkuota *halah*, TP-Link Wireless Utility mau dibawa Om saya ke Semarang, printer HP Deskjet D2400 series mau dipinjem sepupu saya ke kost-annya dalam rangka ngerjain skripsi. Kurang sial apa coba sayaaaa? Mau ke warnet juga ngga dibolehin lama. Yah mungkin satu-satunya cara adalah pake Sony Ericsson modem PC Suite deh. Tapi ini modem enaknya digunain pas tengah malem! Biar cepet gitu. Emang saya Mbak Kunti apa yang bisa stay tengah malem mulu -___-. Tapi saya akan tetep coba ntar malem biar tetep bisa ngenet! Oke deh. Ini adalah pertemuan terakhir saya sama TP Link laknat tersayang, mungkin kita ketemu lagi saat saya udah jadi anak SMA. Hiks, bye ;___;

P.S. Tapi gimanapun caranya saya tetep internetan kok. Cuma intensitas aja yg dikurangi ;). Okeh. I’ll catch you later.
P.P.S. Tau kenapa saya lagi nggak (sok) nginggris? Karena asal tau aja ya, mau lebay-lebay pake basa inggris tuh nggak bisa all out! Nggak bisa 100% lebay, hehehe.



Jungsoo’s Cyworld Diary Entry

Jungsoo’s Cyworld Diary Entry 2009.06.22 05:43

2009.06.22 월 Monday 05:43

..Drank some wine..

..After getting hold of the ambience with Kyuhyun, even Donghae Ryeowook and Eunhyuk…

..It seems like it has been a long time since we talked this long…

..Until the day the name ‘Super Junior’ disappears..

..Hyung will be the leader and sacrifice…I love you…

Credits; OnlySJ13

Cap: T_T Leader, don’t break our hearts.. D:


Sungmin's Cyworld Entry 2009.06.22 월 09:21

In the first broadcast, my lover hasn’t come out yet..


Oppa band is interesting, right?ㅎ ㅎ*

But.. I’m a chickㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Chick chick chick chick~~~!!!!!!

Next week too! Oppa band..

Please anticipate it~

from: 이성민 cyworld
trans: rocket @

Ryeowook Message On Official Site

2009-06-21 오후 10:29:00

To dear E.L.F:

Hello, I’m Ryeowook ^^
This is my first time leaving a comment on Super Junior’s official homepage like this. (Feels) slightly awkward~^^
I am always thankful to all who support Super Junior anywhere! Hyehye
I have come… none other than to thank those who wished me a Happy Birthday~!!
Due to the great amount of love Super Junior’s 3 jib received, I have been leading days happily…
Certainly~ The last broadcast took place on my birthday ㅠㅠ (How sad… ㅋ)
If you gave many wishes for my birthday while watching today’s Inkigayo broadcast… Do you want a kiss? haha

Practices for Super Junior’s Super Show Concert have been in full swing too…
The things our E.L.F.s are looking forward to.. We will make sure we will not disappoint ~~ We will prepare well ^^

Please anticipate the day Super Junior returns to meet you again with a brand new appearance ^^

I love you♥~~~ Terribly much~~~!!!

Ps. Take care not to catch a cold~~!!

Sr: Super Junior Official Website
Cr: 潇娅Oo嫘∮@ SJ宝蓝阁
Translated by yurim_sj♥ @
Please do not remove credits, and do not add in your own, thanks!

090621 Donghae & Leeteukie CY Sidebar Update

090621 Leeteuk CY Sidebar Update

090621 Donghae CY Sidebar Update

Credit & Source:
혁재야문열어@sj-market, 소담길@bestiz, CodeMonMonseason3@youtube

Backstage Pictures

-Click to see bigger-

credit: sup3rjunior

Heechul “I felt like fainting when my cellphone which has nude photos get lost”, + DBSG’s Uknow Yunho broke up with his gf once because of me

Super Junior member Kim Heechul has surprised everybody when he revealed that he often used his cellphone to take nude photos on the show KBS2TV “Shin Dongyup & Shin Bongsun’s Champagne” which will be aired at 11.20PM on June 20th.

Kim Heechul said without hesitant that “HanKyung is often the member who take nude photos (of me), he was quite annoying at first but in the end he still did it for me”. He aslo said he had felt like fainting when his cellphone get lost once before.

Also on that show, Heechul revealed that because of him, DBSG’s U-Know Yunho had to breakup with his girlfriend once before. He said “By training together, I was close to DBSG’s Uknow Yunho and thus, made him broke up with his gf”, “When we were still trainees, there was a time I was in my natural hairstyle & wearing flower pattern clothes. I sat next to Uknow Yunho at home and ate hamburger with him, his gf saw me then and mistake me with a girl”.

original article are here & here
translated by
may take out with full credits

Heechul's Fancafe

* His sadness is comparable to Itachi’s & HeukHeuk = ㅠ_ㅠ
** The red eyes of Itachi from the Uchiha clan, look here.
*** No idea who Dinosaur is but will tell when we figured it out, lol. Yeap, it’s Jonghyunie~
**** Noraebang = Karaoke, MR = music removed (which is the craze in Korea now about hearing vocals only for korean songs)
***** It’s FT Island’s Ma Joong [마중]

Source: Kiseki
Translated by: Cinderella & Carolyn @

Jo Sungmo – Kim Heechul – Lee Hongki’s group “Chocoball” identity ?, + some more about tmr “Star Golden bell”

Singer Jo Sungmo has talked about his group “Chocoball” which included him and other hoobae singers on public.

On the recent filming of “Star Golden bell”, Jo Sungmo said “I want to introduce a group of AB blood type people called which included myself and Kim Heechul, Lee Hongki, Mithra (Epik High), Jonghyun (SHINee), Natsun, total 6 members” and “ means ‘Although we’re a bit psychotic but the more you see us the more charming you’ll find (about us)’ ” which made the whole studio burst out laughing.

Kangin said “I had a chance to attend Chocoball’s meeting but there isnt any room (for other people) for a while” and “They all talked about each other’s story, they’re all busy people”

The show will be aired at 5.15PM on June 20th

side note:

”Chocoball” (쪼코볼) is the short word for “금 사이 같지만 수록 매력적인 사람들의 모임” which means “Although we’re a bit psychotic but the more you see us the more charming you’ll find (about us)”

and LOL, all sj-market’s folks’ comments wondered why Heechul didnt get Yesung (who is also AB blood type and kind of crazy ^^) to “Chocoball”

also, there are some more articles about tmr SGB and I decided to make a summary about them. KangIn will talk about Shindong’s habit of always sleeping nude and there was a time their cleaning ahjumma saw Shindong slept nude and Shindong had to apologize to her after that. They will talk about fan’s banner that they remember most of which Leeteuk said it is a banner of “Until the day Super Junior Leeteuk conquer all over the world” , EunHyuk said after he got the nickname “anchovy”, whenever he went to, he’d see the banner of “Asia’s anchovy” ^^

original article is here
translated by
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits

090620 Music Core Pics

credit: supe3rjunior.wp

Ryeoweookie's Bday <3

June 21st 2009


May God bless you all of your life and keep your voice as my drug >,<

we you Eternal Magnae!

Super Junior Goodbye Stage

Goodbye Stage T___T

Gawd, no kibum. rumor was false, but awesome performance still. Donghae was so freakin cute with that new hairstyle. Neorago was cut short, but it’s alright since they performed sorry,sorry also. LOL~ The ending was so adorable!! Too bad there werent a lot of ELFs waving sapphire balloons there~but still lovely! Love the banner!!

ELFs will remember everything also!!!!

The banner stated: “(We) love you. Thank You. (We) will remember (this).” (thanks to

==> Inkigayo is the last hope for the 13th award!

credit: SapphirePearls

Yes! I AM!!!!

:) :)

RUMOR: 13 Members to Perform at Music Core?

In MBC “Music Core” on 20 June 2009 4.20 p.m. (Korea’s time)

Super Junior will perform for their goodbye stage.
‘Sorry Sorry’ with 13 members !
and ‘It’s you(너라고)’ special version.

Don’t miss !!

Source ; SJ-MARKET
Translate to Thai ; *~Dao_Dong~* @siamzone
Translate to English ; minedy@sj-ajusshi

Original :
♬ Good bye special

․ ‘Sorry, Sorry’로 우월한 퍼포먼스의 진리를 보여주었던 13남자!
‘너라고’ 속삭이는 달콤한 목소리로 우리의 심장을 쥐락펴락했던 슈퍼주니어!
그들이 전하는 마지막 메시지를 절.대. 놓치지 마세요!
- 슈퍼주니어『너라고 + Sorry, Sorry』

And also, SJ’s rep wrote the usual message on their official homepage talking about Music Core & Inkigayo and he/she said “Music Core & Inkigayo where Super Junior is together”.

SJ becomes Wang SeokHyun’s uncles for one day and celebrate his 7th birthday party

Super Junior EunHyuk, Leeteuk, Shindong & Kangin have become child star Wang SeokHyun’s uncles for one day.

On the filming of KBS2TV entertainment show “I got an Uncle” recently which is Wang SeokHyun’s 7th birthday, but since Lee HwiJae is busy with his schedule, he had asked Super Junior for help. Therefore, Shindong, Kangin, Leeteuk & Eunhyuk had become Wang SeokHyun’s uncles for one day.

For his birthday party, 4 members had prepared different gifts. Shindong did magic, Eunhyuk had learnt balloon art, Kangin inhaled the helium gas and sang a children comic song, Leeteuk prepared a video msg of Wang SeokHyun’s most favorite member in SNSD.

The show will be aired at 6.30PM on June 20th

Side Note:Wang SeokHyun is the child actor that played the role of the kid KiDong in “Speed scandal”, EunHyuk had taken a photo with him and made an entry with that photo.

translated by
may take out with full credits

CY Entry Update!

lotte world~*

source; shindong’s cy

trans by


2009.06.19 03:13

.. Sleep for two days .. 2 hours and 30 minutes ..

Well .. okay … ha, ha, ha Ha ha ha ha ha …

Credits Jungsoo’s cyworld
translated by lovekibum89 at


2009.06.19 03:47
..please hug me..

..Please hug me, who is so tired..

Source; Leeteuk`s Cy
Credit; vanilla.teaa at SJ-WORLD.NET
Do not add your own credit if taken out.



2009.06.19 금 06:34

Let’s get a rating of 20% for oppa band!!!ㅋㅋㅋ

Did I go overboard?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The higher the better! 30%!!!!GoGo

from: 이성민 cyworld
trans: rocket @

Hankyung with friends ^^

Cap: Hankyung oppa looked so happy ^^
I wish that Teukie also could spend his free time with his friends.. :)

Credits: sjhangeng ;

Korean Male Stars who “dazzle” people

Everybody knows that Korea is famous for beautiful ladies and handsome men, but each and every handsome man has their very own charismatic point. Below are 15 Korean male stars that are famous for their charisma/beauty/handsomeness.

I dont think this was posted yet. ^^

*only took suju parts. ^^

5. Kim Heechul’s hand is so beautiful, before he debuted, there was an ad company that wanted to sign him as their ‘hand model’. Proves how beautiful his hand is!

7. Lee Sung Min’s personality is like a big little kid, he has a lot of friends, and everybody says he has a very good personality, no matter whether they are his friends or family.

11. Park Jung Su’s (Eeteuk) eyebrows are very sexy, he will always show other people his dancing eyebrows, a very cute artist.

12. Choi Siwon’s tall and muscular body, very sexy, maybe it’s because he’s always working out at the gym~ Although Siwon comes from a rich family, he’s not arrogant at all, his personality is too good for words~

trans: xinyan@Cassiopeia-family


… let’s speak French, What is this? – Eunteuk speak French!

Air date: 090616 *** The other day with Alice I went to Sukira. And it happened the staff had a story about a girl who took the bus one day and a guy behind her was wishpering something she couldn’t understand. The sounds were very weird (you can hear Eeteuk making them lol) The girl found him quite vicious and she turned around for yelling at him and then she found out he was french. So she wanted to know why french was a language with so “lascive sounds”
And then they said they had french fans here tonight (behind the windows, outside), so they introduced us with our names (<3)>

Then they asked for the french version of some idioms. I did my best but when I heard again what I said, it’s so much fail xD”.
But Hyukjae was so cute repeating after me what I was saying, he was so obedient <3.

Idioms :

¤ 잘 지냈어요? = Comment ça va ? (How are you ?)

¤ 밥 먹었어요? = Vous avez mangé ? (Have you eaten ? But in korean, there is a 2nd meaning : How are you ?)

¤ 미안해요 = Désolé(e) (Sorry)

After this short “french lesson”, they kept talking in french, but it was worse and worse by each minute passing by xDD.
“Comment ça va” became “Comment que ça ba” with the typical asian accent in bad movies xDD
They managed to say a “Bonzour, ze t’aime” too.. And talked about “chanson” (chanson = song, but here it’s only for old french singers like Mireille Mathieu, Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour…) and tried to sing a “chanson” xD”..

So in a word, they were awesome !

Credits : Loveleeteuk + Alice &
Thanks to our friend Marion who helped us for explaining more about what EunTeuk said ^^.

Taiwan Airport to get ‘destroyed’ by fans!

*not exact translations LOL

According to reliable source, SuJu who will be attending Taiwan’s 20th Golden Melody and SS501, who will attending another event in Taiwan, on the 27th are said to be landing at the same time (11:05am) and the airport is bound to be flooded with fans of both boy bands.

Fans of both groups are ‘fighting’ it out online cause they want the two groups to come at different times, but organizers said they need to arrive before noon for their event.

SuJu will be performing Neorago and Sorry,Sorry at the event.

From :自由时报

Credit: SapphirePearls

What does SJ want Kibum to say to them?

* This is old, cause yesung doesnt DJ MIRACLE anymore , but thought i share it since we lack news about kibum. ^^
Eetuek: Be Vigorous
Heechul: We’ve have to drink together again !
Hangeng:Don’t feel lonely
Kangin : Stop eating
Yesung : Jongwoon, The radio programme is going very well
Shindong: Someone who has a lot of talent
Sungmin:A beautiful boy / cute
Eunhyuk : Hyung, i have nothing to say with you !
Donghae: Let’s take some food ! (Date ?)
Ryeowook : A Kind Friend
Siwon : You, you look so cute !
Kyuhyun : Plz come back quickly, I really want to meet you !

Translate to Thai ; VenuS @
Translate to English ; minedy@Ajusshi

The Long Journey

Hello, folks. 2 days with no posts and updates.. hehe :B. Mian~
I spent a day with being a one-day-backpacker with my friends last Wednesday. We got a lotta fuuuuun! Check the full story out ;P

Yup, that’s it. Just a day but that was soooo memorable. I obviously feel a lil bit sad cause we will get separated soon (if we don’t get the same school at SHS later). But I really wish if we could be together >,<

I have no idea why, but I feel so mellow and sensitive nowadays. So what I’ve been listening to (almost everysongs) are ballad, nyehehe XP
I repeatedly listen to ‘Just You’ by Super Junior K.R.Y lately. This song’s touching my heart so deep.. and the meaning of the lyric is also touchable. Not also ‘Just You’ actually.. But almost all SuJu K.R.Y’s songs.

Anyway, I’ve just watched the old NEWS’ videos. I miss Pi and Keichi all of sudden :(. Have I been neglecting them? LOL. I admit that I’ve ‘cheated’ on them and turn away to SuJu but I still a fan of them, don’t I? uhm, never mind.

I tickle myself if I’m remembering about the past when sarusa and me (almost everytime) talking about our craziness on NEWS and Kat-tun (there’s the time when we talk about Junno mostly). We made a joke and some ‘quotes’ related to them, ehm I mean NEWS and Kat-tun, like: ‘Halleluja Chanceeee’ , ‘Bye byecycle’, ‘Keichan desuuu~’, ‘Iriguchi deguchi mamachi desu!’, and so many more (it’s too many that I kinda forget).

We also read fanfics about them (I mostly read fanfic created by Pam-chan only) and our favorite pairings are: Uchipi and Ryotegoooo!!! :) :)
Read fanfics actually has broken our brain’s nerves! We were going insane that we unusefully always wrote ‘Uchipi’ and ‘Ryotego’ almost on all of our task papers with marker and stabilo! What the heck did we do XDD!?! But that was really worth it actually.. ;)

Yeah well, there’s too many stories I wanna tell you here but.. I need to do some duties that my mom gave to me and I have to do it immediately. Well, I’ll catch you later. See ya’ fellows!

P.S. Anyway maybe I’ll be off from cyber-world for awhile, just because tomorrow will be the day of my graduation announcement. And I have to calm myself down and not bothering my mind with these cyber-world thingy. Sorry (again) for the late and lack update about SuJu (this might be my 1000th times I said sorry to you for the same case; late update.) But I promise I’ll do blogging soon, I still own a blog somehow :)

