
take a look on my photoshots!

what do you guys think? are these kewl? lol :D
do comment, please!


hello folks! welcome back to my neglected blog. ew.

fi-nal-ly! yup yup finally UN IS OVEEEEER!! yay yay I CAN HEAR YOU CAPTAIIIIN! lol.
well I feel so relieved knowing that I'VE DONE THIS, PPL!! I feel so hilarious -really- but besides, I feel a lil bit frantic, too. okay, I'm not sure that I'll get the best mark or whatever it calls, but I conviced my self; I've been struggling so hard and what I have to do now is just praying and surrender.

nah nah, anyway, there's plenty of stories I wanna share with you guys. but I really dunno where I have to start, sooo... here it is, read what happened last saturday :D (p.s. ain't written in English, sooorry)

fine. aaaaaa my hand would go into pieces!! *crack crack* . well, just stop typing and start uploading hehe :P


hello people... (spiritless)

8 days more.
i can't believe it comes this soon. hence, i'll be off from cyber-world for awhile and concentrate for my final exam in order to get the maximal and of course, the satisfying result!

so much stories i wanna share about, but i just don't have any spare time nowadays. but i promise, i'll start writing again after i done all of this struggle. GANBARE!

and my last words and hopes: please, pray for me then and wish me luck!!! i really <3 you!



KA (kkoi-waii)

just wanna show you these pictures taken from

they're just sooooo greatly awesome! lol

err, anyway i've just surfed at MIMOBOT designer USB flash drive and i found these cutey USB flash drives. chec 'em out!

waaaaaa there's Happy Tree Friends' characteeeers!! but so sad Toothy isn't available :( ...
anyhow they're indeed pretty cute! which one do you like the most? me, i adore the fourth one, the monkichii hehe :D


by the way, today i went to the sunday morning's UGM with my friend, mahdea. we bought some accessories and we also bought friendships bracelets. it's brown and make them look nice on my hand :P. i wanna share the photos later :)



booky geeky

i do love reading a lot! and now, when i'm in the right mood, in the voracity of reading a lotta books, i just realize that the national exam's getting closer and...........REALLY REALLY SOON! o-m-g.
nah, stop, stop! i don't wanna talk about it anyway, so just skip it okay :P:P

well, this is my list of the book(s) i really really wanna read (after national exam, of course). heeee

1. The Princess Diaries #9: Princess Mia (Meg Cabot)

2. The Princess Diaries #10: Forever Princess (Meg Cabot)

3. The Tale of Despereaux (Kate DiCamillo)

4. Breakfast at Tiffany's (Truman Capote)

5. The Dragon Scroll (I.J.Parker)

waaaaaa actually there's much more but i'm just afraid if i put all my list and also the cover picts, there will be no free space here or at least it will slow your inet connection down a bit hehe :P

geez! i kinda don't really like agnes monica's new style (hair, fashion, blablah). don't you realize that she's just following agyness deyn's style? or a lil bit karla derass' on her hair style?
such a follower. i'm definitely know that actually she had her own style, she had to be her. don't follow anyone. it's okay okay if she just makes them as her fashion role or sort of that thing. but actually you might become trendsetter, nez.

anyway my family went to semarang and i just stayed home alone heheee. i have to say it frankly, this was the first time i did home alone heheee
it's fun! :)




Women's shoes Matt Bernson Nouer III

Longline Drop Armhole Vest

Ubiquity Women's Peace & Love Tee
Women's Shoes YOU by Crocs Mischievous Minx

those harem pants

goodbye, ms. doleful

i just feel bored, sad and i don't have more spirit to see my next days and my next stories.
i'm waiting for a happy day without the requirements and decive from them.
i'm a teenager, almost reach the matureness. that's why i want have trustiness from them.
lucky you if they trust you and you can make the proud of you.

"The biggest happines of life is conviction that we're truly loved, loved because ourselves and loved as whatever we are."

tomorrow will be the last day of my sadness :)



just wanna show you the screenshot of my TIK's last task, WEB. fyi, it's about street style. heheeee
so, just check this shitty web out! was it? yeah i know i'm damn freakin on street style :3. anyways, i need your comment bout this! cheers!

happy bday yamapi <3


may everything you've been dreaming of become true, and God bless you all your life!

Love & Hug (always),



anyone please help meeee. tell me the way how to make these post-footer such as 'labels' , 'comments' back to default? i mean, look at mine. it looks different, right? it's available on the top, not on the bottom (beneath the blog post) as usual. AS BLOGGERS HAD!

so can you tell what should i do? and oh, one more, tell me how to make this template become '3 coloumns' :P :P
okay? (just click the link of 'shouts')

big hug&thanks,




barusan liat blognya someone, yaaa aku kenal lah (temen sd dulu) sebut aja NG dan aku ngebaca salah satu postingannya yang pokonya intinya ngatain aku & sarusa.

jadi gini, kita berdua kan pas abis liat mini dramanya dbsk yg dangerous love kita kan jadi suka gitu ama dbsk. kalo aku jujur ya suka ama jaejoong, abis keren sih trus suaranya bagus! kalo sarusa dia suka ama yunho, alasan 1 mungkin karna dia imut trus pinter dance dsb dsb. nah trus kan kita bilang ama salah satu temen sekola kita, sebut saja 'IG'. si IG ini suka banget ama korea-koreaan gitu. nah fyi ya, aku ama sarusa lebih prefer ke yang jepun2 gitu. trus kan pas kita ngasih tau IG kalo kita jadi suka dbsk (terutama hero jejong ama u-know yunho) ya dia becanda-becandaan bilang "aduh suamiku jejong.. gamauuu gamau!"
tapi kita tau kalo IG cuma becanda. trus dia nanya "kalo shinee gimana?" aku bilang aja "biasa aja ah, aku taunya cuma taemin. suka deh, DANCE-NYA KEREN. lagian aku taunya dia doang" (inget tuh aku bilangin dance-nya keren dan aku emang cuma tau taemin doang soalnya pas kapan gitu liat di salah satu forum)
eh gataunya si NG tuh denger apa gimana gitu. eh kalo gak ya kayanya dikasi tau ama IG, dan dia tuh sepertinya GAK TERIMA kalo aku ma sarusa suka korea! eh padahal kan kita ngasih taunya ke IG bukan ke NG. eh kok malah dia yg ribut?!

mana di (go)blog-nya ditulis kalo aku ama sarusa suka taemin gara2 aku cuma tau anak2 shinee ya cuma taemin doang! trus dia ngatain kalo RASA SUKAKU GA BERALASAN. jih nyotoy banget lu NG! ga beralasan gimana orang aku bilang kalo dance-nya keren! lagian ya pas itu sarusa bilang kalo SARUSA KAGA TAU TAEMIN. jadi ketauan banget deh kalo NG ngomong kosong doang -_-

fyi ya nih si NG emang dari sd udah busuk banget. ortunya setali tiga uang, alias SAMA AJA KEA ANAKNYA!
nyampe sekarang ya dia tu plis deh ugh saking nyebelinnya dia nyampe ga bisa ditulis dengan kata2! hobinya sok mimpin lagi. katanya pemimpin tp kalo ada masalah kacangan dikit aja (yg kalo dinalar pasti ada jalan keluarnya) pasti dia nangis dan nyalahin orang.
ah apa banjet deh pokonya. pas ultahnya buyut dulu, aku kan nyanyi happy bday-NEWS kan, trus dia sok-sokan "eh itu lagunya NEWS kan? nyanyiin lagi dong, aku suka tuh"
EH LU PIKIR NGAMEN? pake request2an segala. jih.

eh lagian ya aku ga ngefans ya ama taemin, cuma suka liat dancenya doang. emang dosa ya?
eh lagian walo aku udah mulai agak suka korea tapi japan tetep NOMER SATU tauk! dasar kepret

pesen buat NG: emang kenapa sih kalo suka dbsk? korea? ga terima? BERASA SM ENT. PUNYA ENGKONG LU AJA!
pesen buat IG: kalo ga suka bilang aja deh, ga usah pake ngadu ke NG segala!


alhamdulilaaaah! bener-bener seneng banget pas kemaren dikasi tau kalo nilai tpm buat yg dapet soal genap (termasuk tempatku) kalo nilai ipa-nya bakal naek! dan berarti nileiku yg 6.75 itu salah. yeeeeey! berarti memungkinkan dong kalo nileiku tar nambah? (amin amin ya allah!)

nah kemaren pas ngambil hasil tpm-nya jam 1 itu kan banyak wali murid yg dateng (yaiyalah) trus kan dibagiin daftar nileinya tuh, phew, untung aku ga dimarain. ya mungkin soalnya ibuku lg ultah kali ya (apa banget) ya udah HAPPY BDAY MOM! hehe :P:P

oh iya, i've got a new haircut anyway. hiks, nyesel! nyesel! aku kan bilang ama kapsternya biar dirapiin aja bawahnya trus di layer dikit. eh tapi tiba-tiba ko aku jadi berubah pikiran minta di shaggy, dan tereeeet hasilnya tidak memuaskan hatiku -_- emmm tapi gapapa juga sih, ga jelek-jelek amat ko. pict soon, ya!

oh iya kemaren aku baca majalah GF edisi kapaaan gitu udah agak lama pokonya. nah taek banget dah tuh majalah isinya kaya nyindir gitu! kan suasana hatiku (ceilah) lagi bad mood, trus juga lagi keki ama someone, geb juga lagi nyebelin pokoknya nyampe bikin badmood ga kira-kira deh. nah yg ngekngok banget tuh, di GFnya isinya artikel tentang kea suasana hatiku tadi. dan isinya sumpah mirip bgt sama keadaan yg sebenernya. tapi malah aku jadi bete! arghhhh pokonya nyebelin!

udah deh pagi-pagi malah emosi, hehe :P

smell ya later!

need a cutie lil sista :3


the result of tpm province-level has out. and.......... oh my! mine was suck! extremely suck, for real! oke, not that extreme actually. tapi bagiku itu udah ancur banget -_-
b indo: 8.8 (nilai naek daripada tpm yg sebelomnya)
b inggris: 8.8 (zz ini gara2 ada 1 nomer yang salah mbunderinnya! padahal target minimal 9 -.-)
mtk: 8.0 (jujur, ini lebih susah daripada tpm yg sebelomnya)
and the last.... ipa! sumpah bener-bener aneh nih ipa. jadi gini, ipa-ku kan kalo diitung-itung salah 8 (ada 3 nomer yang aku ganti jawabannya, dan...salah. padahal jawaban sebelom kuganti tuh BENER!) gitu, berarti kalo 40 soal, nilainya kan (normalnya) 8.0. nah pas tadi aku liat, tereeeet tau-tau disitu tertulis nilaiku 6.75! argh! taek banget! masa dari 8.25 jadi 6.75? set dah, gila itu kalo turunnya banyak banget. okelah kalo misal aku mbunderin LJKnya agak kotor ato gak rapi, tapi kan di nalar aja mustahil dong kalo turunnya nyampe 1.5 gitu?
arghhhh! sial. padahal ya, kalo diitung-itung kalo misal nilai ipa-ku bener 8.25 kan lumayan nambahin total nileinyaaaaa T.T

hiks, yaudah deh pasrah aja.
apalagi tuh besok hasil nilei TPM ini dibagiin pas rapat ortu besok siang! zz siap-siap mental deh dimara2in. etapi untungnya ortuku bukan tipe orangtua yg suka ngamuk kalo anaknya dapet nilei jelek, yaaaah paling parah aku ga boleh ngenet nyampe abis UNAS. tetep aja menyedihkan.

oh iya, tadi pagi ela nangis gara-gara nilei TPM dia kali ini jeblok banget. lebay ya? iya sih, agak lebay. tapi aku tau, mesti ela syok dan terguncang banget (bahasane mbak). yaiyalah, masa dari rangking 2 se-sekolahan (it means dia rangking 1 di kelas) bisa turun nyampe rangking 11 di kelas, repeat SEBELAS.
itu 11 aja masi rangking kelas, kalo rangking sekolahan...... ya gatau deh berapa. sekitar 80-an gitu kali ya?
pokonya dia terguncang banget lah. dan pas shalat dhuha tadi dia nanya ke aku gini,
E (ela): "oi, menurutmu aku sombong ga?"
A (aku): "ha? sombong gimana maksutnya?"
E: "ya sombong gitu"
A: "eeemm ga juga sih, tapi kadang iya. kadang lho."
E: "trus aku nyebelin ga?"
A: "iya, kamu tu nyebelinnya kalo lagi caper dan deket2 ama anak cowo pasti kita yg cewe dikacangin." (ceplas-ceplos)
E: "oh gitu ya?"
A: "he'eh, ngapa e emang?"
E: "ya, aku takut aja. mungkin gara2 aku sombong trus aku ditegur ama Allah dengan nilaiku yg jelek tadi."


ya Allah, ela mikir nyampe situ? mikir kalo nileinya jelek itu mungkin aja gara2 lagi ditegur ama Dia.
padahal ya, kalo tiap kali aku dapet nilei jelek aku mesti mikirnya gini: 'yah gara2 ga belajar ni ah', 'gak ada yg ngasih contekan sih'.. ya pokonya hal-hal gitulah. ga pernah aku mikir nyampe kaya ela gitu 'mungkin aku ditegur sama Allah'. dan pas ela bilang gitu aku langsung nyadar......
mungkin aku juga lagi ditegur Allah.

oh sumpah, keren banget ela itu. udah pinter, supel, asyik, banyak temen. tapi ga asoy-nya dia tuh ya kalo udah deket2 ama anak cowo sebangsa tiyem, rifky dkk gitu, pasti kita cewe2 yg dideketnya di KACANGIN -_- . lebih tepat dan lebih kerennya sih di nomor duakan.
ya tapi maklumin aja deh.

err oh iya tadi pulang sekolah kan aku diajak k tempat temennya ibuku, namanya Tante Yusi. nah aku baru tau tuh kalo tante yusi punya anak cewe 2 kembar. eh pas aku baru nyampe, masuk rumahnya gitu si kembar udah nyambut2 gitu padahal kita belom kenal hehe
trus mereka langsung ketawa2 senyum bilang gini, "kakak abis pulang sekolah ya?" ih yampuuun imut banget itu mereka!!
trus aku nanyain aja, "iya, namanya siapa?" trus yg satu bilang fina yg satu lagi bilang fira. trus abis itu mereka ngajak maenan gitu deh, hehe. duuuh seneng deh soalnya kan aku ga punya adek cewe apalagi yg imut gitu, kyaaaaa kawaii! >.<

nah trus kan kita maen berbi-berbi gitu, pokonya asik deh maen ama mereka. tapi ya nyebelinnya tuh si baby sitter-nya fina mukanya ga ngenakin banget! kaya iri gitu liat aku bisa akrab ama fina-fira (apa banget)

nah kan udah cukup lama kita disitu, akhirnya aku pamit pulang ama fina-fira. aku bilang aja gini "kakak kan belom mandi, makanya mau pulang dulu"
trus si fira nyeletuk, "yaudah deh kakak pulang aja mandi dulu. tapi cium dulu dong kak, hihi"
imuuut! trus yaudah aku cium pipi dia, si fina juga "aku juga kak, aku.. aku!" ihiii gemes deh, trus aku cium dua2nya :D

pas udah keluar mau pulang, fira ngikutin nyampe gerbang masih mau dada-dada gitu..
aih, seneng deh punya adek cewe. tapi aku maunya yg kaya fina-fira yg imut gitu!

hemm padahal ya biasanya anak2 kecil umur te-ka gitu (terutama cewe) biasanya pada takut ama aku HAHAHA ya soalnya aku suka ngelirikin gitu deh. eits tapi tergantung ya, biasanya anak kecil yg aku lirikin tu yg nyebelin, sok cewek dan SOK IMUT. kalo fira-fina kan emang beneran imut, makanya aku suka :3

huuuu pengen adek cewe!!

you are a friend of mine

you are beautiful my friend,
you know and accept me as I am - all of me, and I love you for this.
you have made me happy to be me, and I love life more because of you.
you always express how you feel to me, and so, I'm never afraid to do the same.
you will forever be a part of me now for our souls have reached out and gently touched one another.
I will always love you throughout my life,
for you are a friend of mine.

(Larry S. Chengges)

what i want(s)

i want them indeed. wanna give 'em as a gift for me? XP

drooling purpling

look at her shoe! i'm surely drooling for it :P, but i think it's better in purple. i think. (because Karla has owned the blue, so i think i want it in purple. yay!)

huhu anyone please purchase it for meeeee!!! hihi :)

a doraemon quiz (from facebook)

i took a quiz (again) from facebook and it was about, err...... Doraemon. yeah, doraemon exactly. hehe just see the picture above and you will definitely know how the result is :P :P

just a couple month more

my beloved school, pals....... :'(
time goes by, felt like i'll leave for all of this happiness, togetherness.. hastily, as soon as i graduate.

the national exam's getting closer and let's countdown by today, it's about 25 days more. 25 days! less than a month.
i think i'm not ready. not ready enough.
neither for the exam nor the separation, yeah, separate with my friends.

remembering about our intimate at the last trip we took about a month ago... makes me wanna cry indeed, touched me so deep. i miss that time, when we spent the most time with friends. so blissful.

and now, when we had closer related, many problems come up... we have to face it, grapple it. no matter what.

and now, i'm here, typing in front of my comp while listening to Smile Maker-NEWS and also Ai Nante (i'm about to cry everytime i listen to Ai Nante, anyway)

huff~ no passion to study, even just for surfing on the net.
better if i disconnect it now, and go to sleep zz
