It's been quite sometimes I didn't post any stories about my own life, about what happened on my real life. I didn't get any spectacular, or at least interesting stories to be told these days. Life goes on this way and I'm still doing fine :)
Well, my blog has already turned from my personal blog into a Suju's fan update, I think. It's just feel so fun searching the newest and fresh updates about Suju then repost them on my blog, so another fans of Suju which also read my blog would also get the newest update. kkk.
I'm not the person who gets less duties that could spend all of my time in front of the computer and play the internet. I've tried pretty hard to keep updating Super Junior but the fact just told that they're doing so many jobs, well, call it performances or concerts in many places.
I collect the news plus the pictures from a website to another one, download the videos (if it's required). It sometimes causes bother actually. But, hey, I said it's fun! It would be still fun and boringless, though it keeps me so busy 'cause WE'RE FANS! Hehe :P :P
By the way, I was reading a fanfic titled "The Reality of Consequence (Freefall)" and the pairing was KangTeuk. First thing I notice bout this fanfic was the pairing. 'Mpreg' warn out! I didn't notice this warning at first, and when I was realized by a sentence that made me like so 'Oh my God', I just kept sighing and thoughtless.
Do ya know what 'Mpreg' means?
Well, I undoubtly take it as 'Men Pregnancy'. And Teukie was that author's victim to be the one on that fanfic who got pregnant. Ohmona~ can you imagine Teukie got pregnant?? He pot bellied, cause his belly would grow as big as the baby grew up in it. Can you imagine that?? Phew.
I told Sarusa and we both were freakin out like duo crazy. Lol
*what if the lil girl on the pics was their kiddie?! XDDD*That's it.
Hey, you
DO know what 'fanfic' is, don't you? :D
4 shout(s):
oh, my! i don't!
well, I'll tell you then. fanfic is a fiction story made by the fans of a group or boyband. if you read Suju fanfic, then the figures would be the member of Suju. there r also pairings, cz the authors always make it as a love story between them. call it.. um.. gay. they're gays BUT JUST ON THE FANFIC! XD
anaknya cantik yaa..
tabahkan hatimu ya.. relakanlah euteuk bahagia bersama kang in..
heh itu bukan anaknya asli cub! saya udah relakan kok. lagian eeteuk tetep setia kok sama saya ahuahauha XD
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