the auras

okay, this time I will write here in Indonesian, just because I wanna show you an article about "Warna Aura" so.... just check it out!

see? jadi silakan coba melihat warna auramu sendiri. tapi aku sendiri sih belom pernah nyoba, my house has no wall with white-painted. jadi yaaa kalo mau nyoba aku harus kemana dulu kek yg ada dinding putihnya. tapi males ah.
honestly, i'm kinda afraid to know my auras color ha-ha-ha. how if I had the bad auras and when someone knows it he/she wil.. wil... what?
i dunno, he-he-he.

well, (kalo kamu berani dan ga takut kaya aku -.-) just check your aura by yourself! it's simple and it needs no money to do that =D

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