bet it sucks!

well, today was kinda interesting to be gabbed on :)) though, something dumpy happened but it doesn't matter at all.

yap! as we know before, March 27th '09 was Wulan's & Damas's birthdate. and they thanked God by asking us to had a lunch together and they had to pay it all, yey!
and today, Wulan also Damas took us to a food-stall named "Super Sambal".

we are (wulan, damas, ela, salsha, rani, madea, alam, rifky, faras and me) place our ass on the cozy-looking side, hehe.
while we were waiting for the meal, we just did chit-chat each other and you know what, we sneakied rifky by giving him the tasteless-tea! he didn't realize it first (remember, he's kinda dull-boy bcz of his childishness :p) but when everyone drank their beverages, he just realized that he was being sneakied. everyone laughed out! that was so funny, you know.
and pretty much funny things happened there today. I'm afraid it'll be take too many spaces on this blog if I tell you the funny-dialogues one by one :D


okay this is the dumpy part :(

oh-my-gosh, I had to be dreaming. it's never happened before, you know. I have never fight with my friends just because of..... boys. yeah, actually that's so not me. not us.
we emphasize about friendship. NOT love, crush or sort of that things. we realized that we're too young to have a true love.

but, today.....
a friend of mine were going mad at me because of a boy! A BOY!
it sucks.
I didn't even believe that she could be so fire up like that. I know her well. she's not such of other common girls.. yeah you know.
but she did. she got jealous over me and the boy that she had crushed on. Gosh, I feel so guilty and I've tried to apologize and she did sorry, too. she said the it all was her fault. but actually it wasn't. yeah, it wasn't her fault at all.

one thing that make me think was her big fault: SHE DOESN'T ADMIT THAT ACTUALLY SHE LIKES HIM. or probably SHE DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT!
oh, wake up girl! we're sure we'll support you. AS ALWAYS! we don't wanna see you happy outside, but inside...... you're broken :'(

I'm sorry, W. I didn't mean to hurt or make you jealous or somethin like that. I just talked to him, did I wrong? and it wasn't only me, everyone talked to him.
it's just a misunderstanding, so don't blame yourself, myself, ourselves, himself, or theirselves.

we love you and we just want to make the best for you! :-)

0 shout(s):