nothing much

huh ga tau kenapa akhir2 ini jadi sering ngebuang2 kertas. salah ngeprint kek, nyoret2 kek, apa kek -_- pokoknya kertas hvs abis cuma buat gituan. mending ya kalo hvs abis tapi dipake buat berkarya, gambar gitu misalnya. sayang sekali saya bukan orang tipe gitu, yg pinter gambar dan corat-coret.
ah iya, tisu juga. aku masih sering ngebuang2 tisu hehe -.-

duuuuh kalo masih suka buang2 kertas ama tisu kaya gini gimana mau nyetop global warming nih? padahal udah (sok) nyuruh2 orang disekitar gini: "matiin kek AC-nya, inget global warming!!", "itu tuh tivinya matiin aja deh kalo ga ditonton, global warmiiiing", "jendela aja yg dibuka, ga usah AC" (pas di mobil) dst dst dst blablabla

HAHAHA (ketawa miris) ngegombal abis kan kalo gitu. eh tapi kalo yg masalah AC ama tivi itu emang udah beneran aku laksanain ko (apa banget deh), ya emang dasarnya gua kampung jadi ga pernah nonton tipiiii khekhekhe

hemmm tadi TPM b indo-nya cukup bikin perut mules, mana pas sarapan makan pake sambel, jadi tambah mules dah. err udahan deh, mau belajar besok kan TPM b inggris.

FYI mobile blogging nih, shit. ga boleh nyalain kompi -_-


P.S. kayanya gajadi hiatus deh saya.


bye. on hiatus until thursday, maybe. I'm going to have a Pendalaman Materi test (province-level) tomorrow. well. pray for me then.


facebook quizzes

I took some quizzes from facebook,

1. "The Idiot Test" and the result is.... I'm a SMART-ASS. uh.
here's the screenshot:
2. "Are you a Nerd, Geek or Dork?" and the result is.... I'm a Dork. eeerg, okay.
screenshot, please:
3. "Which soccer player are you?" and the result is... I'm Cassilas! IKER CASSILAS! yyyeeay :P
go screenshot:

and.. there's much more quizzes I've took, but I'm just lazy to put those on here hehehe


well, i just checked Karla's page, and WOW. her new post! i love the photos of her that she just have put there.
check it out!

Wearing H&M funnel neck jacket, American Apparel one-piece layered under Zara harem pants, H&M pale pink scarf from a long time ago, vintage beaded chandelier earrings, black and gray double-layer Converse

boyish. yeaaaash, she ways so cool and it inspire me so much (beside Agy, ofcourse).
anyway, i sent her an e-mail a couple days ago and guess what? she replied me HAHAHAHA.


percaya kagak? kaa-san ku nonton bola tadi malem, eh tadi pagi jam 2! katanya jerman lawan mana gitu.
aku kaget aja gitu, dia bilang gini:
KAA: "mbak, tadi malem ballack ama jansen nge-golin."
AKU: "ha?" *cengo*
KAA: "iya, jerman lawan lie... lie.. apa gitu."
AKU: *masih cengo*
gile, tumben banget nontonin bola. biasanya kan okaa-san cuma nonton kalo aku ato ototo-chan nonton. dan ini lagi, okaa-san inget coba kalo aku suka ballack! padahal ya, di kamar aja kaga ada poster ballack, ada juga big poster schweini, hehe.

ah jadi kangen mein michi und mein schweini....... jadi kangen belajar deutch lagi. gara2 sekarang lebih prefer ke japan jadi udah ga pernah nambah vocab deutch lagi. udah lupa juga sih sebenernya, hehe.

hemmm padahal biasanya juga aku ngefans siapa juga kaa-san ga inget, ga peduliin malah. oh kalo gitu nyampe sekarang okaa-san taunya aku ngefansnya ama BALLACK dan YUTO! hehe. eh itu ada critanya sendiri pas kaa-san tau kalo aku suka yuto. pokoknya pas aku makan siang di Bee's, kita ketemu cowo miriiiiiiip banget yuto dan kaa-san ku nge-fotoin si 'yuto-palsu' soalnya aku mohon2 minta difotoin hehe. dan pas nyampe rumah, aku liatin ke kaa-san foto yuto yg bejibun di kompi wakakak.

oh iya barusan liat foto buku taunan kelasnya si Koala, yampuuuun ancur banget dah dia! ndembik banget! mana ada yang posenya dai kaya orang buta pake kaca mata item gitu. BAHAHAHA ngakak guling-guling liatnya!

ah udah deh. mau mandi dulu, ntar lanjutin lagi blogging-nya.

smell ya later!

bet it sucks!

well, today was kinda interesting to be gabbed on :)) though, something dumpy happened but it doesn't matter at all.

yap! as we know before, March 27th '09 was Wulan's & Damas's birthdate. and they thanked God by asking us to had a lunch together and they had to pay it all, yey!
and today, Wulan also Damas took us to a food-stall named "Super Sambal".

we are (wulan, damas, ela, salsha, rani, madea, alam, rifky, faras and me) place our ass on the cozy-looking side, hehe.
while we were waiting for the meal, we just did chit-chat each other and you know what, we sneakied rifky by giving him the tasteless-tea! he didn't realize it first (remember, he's kinda dull-boy bcz of his childishness :p) but when everyone drank their beverages, he just realized that he was being sneakied. everyone laughed out! that was so funny, you know.
and pretty much funny things happened there today. I'm afraid it'll be take too many spaces on this blog if I tell you the funny-dialogues one by one :D


okay this is the dumpy part :(

oh-my-gosh, I had to be dreaming. it's never happened before, you know. I have never fight with my friends just because of..... boys. yeah, actually that's so not me. not us.
we emphasize about friendship. NOT love, crush or sort of that things. we realized that we're too young to have a true love.

but, today.....
a friend of mine were going mad at me because of a boy! A BOY!
it sucks.
I didn't even believe that she could be so fire up like that. I know her well. she's not such of other common girls.. yeah you know.
but she did. she got jealous over me and the boy that she had crushed on. Gosh, I feel so guilty and I've tried to apologize and she did sorry, too. she said the it all was her fault. but actually it wasn't. yeah, it wasn't her fault at all.

one thing that make me think was her big fault: SHE DOESN'T ADMIT THAT ACTUALLY SHE LIKES HIM. or probably SHE DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT!
oh, wake up girl! we're sure we'll support you. AS ALWAYS! we don't wanna see you happy outside, but inside...... you're broken :'(

I'm sorry, W. I didn't mean to hurt or make you jealous or somethin like that. I just talked to him, did I wrong? and it wasn't only me, everyone talked to him.
it's just a misunderstanding, so don't blame yourself, myself, ourselves, himself, or theirselves.

we love you and we just want to make the best for you! :-)

bad-luck day

(postingan ini udah kesimpen di draft sejak 27/03/09)

oh, what a day!

okay minna, I'm gonna write in Indonesian again. yeah, it'll be sounds weird if I share my stories today in English, dunno why he-he

well-e-well-e-well, dari tadi pagi aku udah dipaksa-paksa ma Rifky ikut ke "Tawon" buat ndesain kaos (yep kelas kita pd mau pesen kaos), trus kan tuh tadinya aku ogah aja ya, masa cewe ndiri ntar, eh tapi trus setelah Rifky ngerekomendasiin Rani buat ikut dan setelah dia ngerengek2 dg tampang melas & ngerajuk gitu, akhirnya aku mau =.=

nah, tp ada suatu hal yg mengganjal di hati. Wulan marah (ato cemburu?) gara2nya yg diajak ke tawon cm aku ma rani, dan bukan dia. tp dia sok2an seakan2 "ah it's all okay lah. just go." padahal aku tau bener tuh dalem ati pasti tatit banget.

nah oke, kan langsung tuh pulang sekolah jem 11 kita langsung capcus. eh, tunggu. kita kesana naek apa? ngekngok, aku ma rani boncengan naek motornya Tiyem -,- dan tentu saja saya yg nyetir.
aduh males bgt gitu ya, eh udah gitu malah Tiyem usul gimana kalo Rani boncengan ma Damas dan aku...... ama Tiyem. JIH NAJIS OGAH AMA TIYEM WEK IH SORI emang eke Ela gitu? yg rela boncengan ma Tiyem?

dan setelah aku ma rani nolak usulnya tiyem abis2an, baru deh kita ngambil motornya tiyem di parkiran ka-ef-ci eh tapiiiii... damn! aku baru inget kalo ini hari jumat dan rok-ku panjang serta rada sempit, buat melangkah sulit! ahuahuahua gimana nih dong, ya tapi akhirnya mau tak mau harus mau T.T
oiya pas kita lagi jalan ke parkiran gitu, tau ga sih booo kita liat si Ebi jatoh di deket tempat sampah disebelah wartel yg baunya kagak nahan ituuu BAHAHAHAHA puas abis deh kita ngeliat Ebi tersiksa >:) mana dah gitu dia diketawain pak cimol! makanya Bi, jadi orang tuh ga usah sok imut dan pecicilan gitu, jatoh jatoh deh WAKAKAKA (kaya kita ga pecicilan aja -.-)

yaudah, trus pas kita keluar dari parkiran, kita kan masih mo nunggu Damas yg ngambil motor d parkiran bayo, nah pas itu tuh ya ada HH lewat mau ngambil motor gitu, matanya udah sembab abis nangis gitu. kita mah buang muka aja, kaya ada guna aja ngeliatin dia wekekek.
abis damas dateng, kita langsung capcus. karna aku gatau tempatnya, makanya kita ngikutin tiyem+damas dr belakang. eh dan taek banget tuh tiyem, masa dia ngasih kode ke aku gini pokoknya: "BISA GA? (maksutnya bisa ga nyetirnya) KAMU TAK BONCENGIN AJA PO?"
eh dasar! ngeremehin bgt sih lu, DASAR SOK.

yodah, nyampe sana kita cuma diem ngantri sambil ngobrol, bosen, berdiri, nahan laper, bosen lagi nyampe adzan dhuhur. mereka kan pada mau jumatan tuh, udah deh akhirnya aku ma rani yg suruh nunggu. nahnah pas nunggu itu, kita kan lagi ngobrol (nggosip tepatnya) eh tiba2 Madea sms bilang gini, ah intinya pokoknya madea ngasih tau kalo wulan tadi bilang kalo kita bedua (aku ma rani) suka ma rifky gara2 dari kemaren ngemengin dia mulu! WTF? fitnah banget ga siiiiiih! kita tadi syok banget, segitu cemburunya-kah wulan ampe bilang kea gitu?
oh please deh, face the reality. bukannya dia ya yg suka? ko malah aku&rani, dua makhluk tak berdosa yg tertuduh? lagian kita kan bukannya bicarain rifky gimana2 yg kaya para rifky-lovers lakuin: "aduuuh dia tyuh imyut banjet ya boook" tapi justru dg siksaan dan hinaan2 yg kejam tiada tara >:]

ah sudahlah, aku ngerti ko perasaan orang yg lagi cemburu buta kea gitu. eh makanya mulai sekarang aku ma rani janji ga bakal ceplas-ceplos soal rifky di depan wulan, ntar takutnya nimbul fitnah lagi dah ah. kan ogah kitanya -.-

nah singkat cerita, jumatan udah selese dan soal desain udah rampung. tapi tiba2 ada banyak anak SCTR yg dateng dan kaya panik+nahan marah gitu. perasaanku dan rani udah ga enak dan kita langsung disuruh pulang ama anak2 cowo kepret 94 itu (?).
lho kenapa mereka ga ikut pulang? ya ternyata disana ada anak2 DKZ yg kayanya ko mau cari masalah ato apadeh ga ngerti eke.

yaudah kita langsung pulang, eh pas di perempatan pertama, ada anak2 SCTR lg gitu yg pada mbawa motor dg garangnya wiiiih :-p
ya di jalan sante2 aja, nahnah pas di perempatan kedua, tau ga? aku nyaris jatoh dari motor gara2 rok-ku yg panjang dan tadi lupa ku angkat!! SIAL! malu banget diliat orang, kita bedua udah treak2 "KOWAIII!" gitu. eh belom rampung deg-deg-an-nya, di perempatan ketiga... KITA NYARIS JATOH LAGI COBA!! oh-my-gawt, apa kata dunia kalo aku jatoh beneran?! (lebay)
ya Allah sumpah syok abis deh kita.
eh tapi kita masih beruntung tau, Allah masih sayang bgt ma kita. buktinya kita ga 'di jatohin' (maksutnya di bikin hampir jatoh) pas di perempatan pertama alias di depannya anak2 SCTR. kalo iya kan waaaaah tengsin banget kan ya. mau ditaro mana coba muka kita? taroh aspal? jah bener-bener sial banget.

trus kita kan mau markirin ituh motornya tiyem, tadinya sih kita mo bawa kabur motor sialan itu trus dijual, tapi kita berdua kan makhluk tak berdosa yg habis difitnah (eh kaga nyambung ya?), maksutnya kita bedua kan orang baek, jadinya ya kita ga jadi ngejual tuh motor deh. dan pas mau markirin di ka-ef-ci..... masya oloh, adaaaa aja halangannya. kita salah muter lah, hampir jatoh lagi lah, blablabla. ini motor emang bener2 bawa sial ye? abis itu kita balik lagi ke sekolaan dg tampang melas, laper, hopeless abis deh. mana kita tuh masi kebayang2 aja gitu pas adegan hampir-jatoh-dari-motor-sialan-dua-kali itu! AAAAAAARGH! shit abis, bikin kita jadi ga kuuuul (baca: cool).

eh trus pas kita balik ke sekolaan kan di deket perpus ada si AA dan DA tuh, kita udah agak was-was gitu, kan mereka bedua adalah rifky lovers BAHAHAHA takutnya ntar mereka cemburu kea wulan kalo tau kita abis ke tawon ama ripki. ah swt, bodo amat wek.

udahan ah. bye-bye.


HAAAH, it's holiday and I just stuck at home, doing some random and unimportant thingies.
I haven't finished reading Brisingr yet. once I read this, I'll be so addicted and I can't stop reading and just continue until it's over. in fact, I have to study all the time to prepare my national exam, and of course Brisingr is one of my obstruction in the process of studying lol :-P

huff, be patient dear. wait until the exam's over and you can read anything, any books you wanna read. you can watch your fav-listed movies. you can go anywhere, any places you wanna be. you can... oh you can do everything :)

anyway, this is my scores of the last "Pendalaman Materi" test.

Bahasa: 7.2
English: 8.4
Math: 8.75
Science: 8.5

Alhamdulillah, it wasn't the worst but not the best, too. I know, I'm lack studying lately. there's too many problem that chastised me so much and made me got sick, ugh. yeah, I'm just a brat girl.

well, quote of the day: You've got nothing to loose, so don't be afraid to get down :-}


hey, A!

Agyness Deyn - Vogue - March 2009 - Brazil

do you know her? of course, it's AGYNESS DEYN! yeah, she's one f my favorite models. I really love her style <3 and of course.... her BLONDE HAIR! he-he

well, she has split from her fiance Albert Hammond Jr.
The 26-year-old model - who got engaged to the 28-year-old Strokes guitarist last August - has called it a day on their relationship following their nine-month romance. Friends say the split was mutual and the couple - who recently appeared in a Valentine's Day-themed photo shoot for Vogue magazine - are keen to stay friends.

In a spoof 'Relationship Obituary', New York magazine reported: "The relationship passed away recently, according to a source close to the deceased.
"The cause of death of the relationship was by mutual agreement and sources say the relationship has been reincarnated as the friendship."

The Manchester-born beauty seems to have found a new man already. Agyness - real name Laura Hollins - was spotted in Manhattan, New York, with a mystery long-haired hunk over the weekend.

A source said: "They seemed like they were having a lot of fun."

the auras

okay, this time I will write here in Indonesian, just because I wanna show you an article about "Warna Aura" so.... just check it out!

see? jadi silakan coba melihat warna auramu sendiri. tapi aku sendiri sih belom pernah nyoba, my house has no wall with white-painted. jadi yaaa kalo mau nyoba aku harus kemana dulu kek yg ada dinding putihnya. tapi males ah.
honestly, i'm kinda afraid to know my auras color ha-ha-ha. how if I had the bad auras and when someone knows it he/she wil.. wil... what?
i dunno, he-he-he.

well, (kalo kamu berani dan ga takut kaya aku -.-) just check your aura by yourself! it's simple and it needs no money to do that =D

happy 15th!

WAAAA!!! march 26th, it's my old bestie's (Talitha) birthday! waw happy birthday dear, wish you all the best! I love youuuu=D
I called her by my phone this morning just to say: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR!" and she looked so happy. and it made me feel happy, too :)

oh, it's been a kinda long time since my ES reunion, I met her and we talked so many funny things and we also recalled about memories we had at elementary school. and oh wow, at that time I've found the girly side of her. she's not boyish anymore, like she used to he-he

a couple weeks ago, she called me and she told me about her relationship with her boyfriend. someone almost broke i up. ah, it's no need to be written here.
she really wanted to meet me, but we had no freetime lately. moeover the national exam comes closer. maybe we can meet each other and do hang-out after the exa,'s over =)

and oh, the next day (march 27th) is my another bestie's (Wulan) birthdaaaaay! ho-ho but actually it's not just her birthday, but it's Damas's too.
okay well, happy birthday you guys! love love you=D


brat? rebel? WHATEVER.

oh what the hell! I've to go to school tomorrow and I've to look out on my teacher because of.. yeah something. I want to skip the class like I did today! I DON'T NEED TO GO TO SCHOOOOL!!

you've got me crazy, NAKAMARU!

Yatta! finally NEWS is going to release their new single. the title is "Koi no ABO" and it will be released on April 29th.

it's been a long time.. you know, KAT-TUN have sold three singles (White Xmas, One Drop, Rescue) since the last NEWS's album: Color has been released.

well, talking about KAT-TUN, I've watched the PV of their newest single: Rescue, anyways. maybe I'm kinda late to tell you here, he-he. it's been released since the last March 11th (one day after my 15th birthday :-P).
Oh Gosh! whatthehell! Nakamaru looked so kakkoi there! I'm crazy about him actually, but he's way too much cool there and it made me drooling and goin crazy XD ! I love him! I love Nakamaru! he's pretty much kawaii, I tell you!!

I love the way he act when he said: "We'll survive." on this video. WAAAAAA! you've got me crazy!! I recomend you to watch it if you haven't =D


the street style

WAW! I do love street style, street looks or whatever it calls! they're so damn cool, I tell you.
look at their style! they do unique-dressed and it's never been exposed before.
some of them inspire me to mix 'n match my own dress.

I don't know why but I REALLY LOVE THE STREET STYLE!
first time I found a web named Tokyo Street Style, I just very surprised of how they could look so damn cool!
Tokyo Street Style, of course it's full with Harajuku, Ganguro, or Lolita. their sense of style was so great, but yeah, honestly it's kinda not my real style; too much accessories and goodies. I'm pretty simple, anyway. so I was just looking for the simple street style and finally I've found so many webs that offers so many simply chic style from the cities around the world and it was so REALLY ME.
I searched over and over again till my brain was full just by street style and street style :-P

nevertheless, Tokyo Street Style's my best and it keeps amusing me by its very cool amazing graceful style! WOHOOO!